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19 March 2024

Unctad's role in international wine trade

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Unctad, composed of 195 countries, is the Un focal point for trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development. Its goal is to assist developing countries, particularly the least developed countries and those with economies in transition, to integrate advantageously into the global economy. It also aims to help the international community promote a global partnership for development, increase coherence in the formulation of global economic policies, and ensure development benefits for all from trade.

An initial collaboration with Unctad was already initiated in October 2023 during the World Wine and Grape Trade Forum organized by the Oiv to address the issue of non-tariff measures in the wine sector. It was an opportunity to present the important work of Unctad through its database on trade regulations in the different member countries of this organization.

A fruitful collaboration, which will be very useful and consistent in order to support fair conditions for international trade in wine products.

More information here: The OIV accepted as Observer Member of the UNCTAD | OIV


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