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31 October 2023

South Africa Seeks to Raise Drinking Age and Ban Alcohol Ads on Social and Small Media

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South Africa’s Social Development Minister reportedly said the government intends to review the Liquor Amendment Bill.

The Bill was first introduced in 2016 by the Department of Trade and Industry and had many far-reaching changes, such as:

  • Increasing the drinking age to 21 years;
  • The introduction of a 100-metre radius limitation of trade around educational and religious institutions;
  • Banning of any alcohol sales and advertising on social and small media;
  • The introduction of a new liability clause for alcohol sellers.

However, the Bill has not seen any progress to formal introduction since, despite several reconsiderations.

The Minister reportedly said that “ our people have demanded that the Government take necessary measures to address the harmful use of alcohol.”

More information here: Big changes for alcohol laws in South Africa still coming – including a push to increase the drinking age – BusinessTech


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