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14 June 2023

OIV reports volume of global wine exports fell 5%, but value rose 9% in 2022

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During the 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine in Cadiz, Spain, OIV Director-General Pau Roca delivered an overview of the global wine market in 2022.

During that year, global wine exports amounted to 107 mhl, a 5% decrease compared with the historically high level in 2021, impacted by high inflation and supply chain disruptions. Only the export volumes of Australia and Canada did not decline compared with their 2021 export volumes.

However, the 2022 global wine export value set a record-high 37.6 bn EUR, 9% higher than 2021 – the consequence of a sharp rise in average export prices in all major wine exporting countries. The countries that contributed the most to this significant rise in value were France, Italy, Chile, and the United States.


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