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29 August 2023

Lifestyle, diet, wine & health

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The 'Lifestyle, diet, wine & health' Congress organised by, among others, Wine in Moderation, Wine Information Council and Fivin (Fundación para la Investigación del Vino y la Nutrición) will be held on 18-19 October 2023 in Toledo, Spain.

The Congress, of the utmost importance worldwide, will bring together international scientists and present the latest research on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

At this event, considered the most important in the last five years, thirty leading scientists from Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia will present their latest research on a healthy lifestyle characterised by exercise, a balanced Mediterranean-style diet and moderate wine consumption.

For more information on the programme, visit the Congress website at


  Via Mentana 2/B, 00185 Roma
   C.F. 01719400580


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