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08 March 2018

Ireland. Irish health bill.

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di Federvini | in 

Ireland’s Senate passed a revised version of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill on 15 December 2017. The Bill is still under consideration in the Dáil (Lower House) this month. The Irish Government re-notified this Alcohol Bill to the European Commission in January 2018 because of three significant requirements:

  • Mandatory cancer warnings on all alcohol products sold in the Republic of Ireland;
  • Health warning labels should take up at least a third of printed materials (i.e., the label, packaging, etc.); and
  • A ban on all alcohol broadcast advertising before 9pm.

Section 12 of this Bill also introduces many onerous labelling requirements for alcohol products sold in the Republic of Ireland (e.g., dangers associated with alcohol consumption, linkages to cancer, energy value expressed in kilojoules and kilocalories, significant real-estate on the label for health warning messaging, etc.).


Fonte: FIVS


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