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13 September 2023

How the Russian whisky market survives after sanctions

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Last year, the exit of beverage giants from the Russian market mainly affected the whisky segment. According to experts' estimates, imports of this bottled beverage in 2022 halved. Nevertheless, stocks and parallel imports saved the situation.

Since Russian producers wanted to resume imports, they rushed to bring new brands from India onto the market.

NielsenIQ believes that although 2022 saw a turnaround for some alcoholic beverage categories due to a reduction in the assortment and a sharp increase in prices, the alcoholic beverage sector in the Russian market has entered a stabilisation phase. "By the end of the year, some alcoholic beverage categories (whisky, gin - source: Forbes) have already managed to restore their assortment, partly due to the release of new products and the shift in focus to localisation, and in the current environment, these trends could become the drivers of the sector's development," the company's analysts write.

More information here: Темная водка: как живет российский рынок виски после санкций |


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